Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to our blog!!!

Welcome to our blog site. We will use this blog to share ideas with each other and to share with the world a view of our experiences and our lives at MICDS in Geometry class.

Our first blog involves the establishing of expectations for our year. I have posted an expectations document on our class portal page in the Expectations channel. This document provides information on many of the details related to class - supplies needed, how grades are calculated, how to make up a quiz of you are absent, etc. Understand that this document cannot reflect every situation and answer every question that will come up this year. Thus, this expectations document is a living and working document that will likely be edited and updated throughout the year.

In addition to the detail-based expectations posted on the portal, I also begin the year - and so should you - with a set of expectations at a level higher than homework, grades, and supplies. To me, these are things like how we are going to treat each other and how we are going to work as individuals and as a group to create an environment in which we can share ideas, solve problems, and work together to meet goals.

For our first blog activity, I would like you to visit the portal and read the expectations document. Once you have finished the reading, return to this page and post a comment. Your comment should answer two questions:

1. What expectation jumped out to you as the most important or the one you are going to work the hardest to meet?

2. If you had to create an expectation for our class and add it to the document I created, what would your expectation be?

When you have finished your comment, make sure to click on “Publish your Comment”. Also, do not forget to email me from the link at the top of our blog home page. Your email should simply acknowledge that you have completed the blog assignment. Thanks.


shruza said...

1. The expectation that jumped out for me was the one about cell phones and how they have to be put away and on silent during class. This is very important.
2. If I could add another expectation it would be for everyone to pay attention during class be cause when everyone is paying attention it is easier for me to pay attention too.

Jametria Wright said...

1. The most important expectation that I noticed was that there is only one chance for extra credit to be earned in one semester. That seemed extremely important because usually I'm familiar with the middle school algebra teachers giving us multiple opportunities to earn extra credit, and this is something completely new.
2. If I were to add another expectation it would be for everyone to try their best each day because no one is going to automatically learn something perfectly. I would also want everything to remain patient while learning new things in geometry.

Robby said...

the expectation that i will work hardest for is not missing one assignment. I will not only do it for the extra credit but last year i had a hard time keeping everything straight and in order. So i will use my motivation as extra credit but it is not for that purpose only.

If i could add one other expectation it would be gum is allowed but if it is out of your mouth or bubbles are blown while in class, you must take out the gum and stick it on your nose. That way you look silly for the rest of class and you wont blow bubbles again.

Peter Schlafly said...

1. The hardest expectation to fulfill in my opinion is the one that if you are absent a day then you must make up the work the next day, in middle school you would get as many days as you were absent to get the work done. But I will be able to do it.
2. If I could add another expectation it would be that the computers are used only for what we are doing in class and nothing else.

Kelly Marra said...

1. The expectation that I thought was the most important was that each day your homework is late it drops a letter grade. This shows how important it is to turn in your work on time.
2. If I added another expectation it would be to respect your class and not talk while they are talking or the teacher is talking.

eholiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Bearman said...

1.The expectation that jumps out the most and that will be the hardest for me to achieve is the amount of time we have to make up work after our absences. I find it hard to make up work in a short amount of time. But I'll be able to fulfill this expectation
2. An expectation i think should be added is how you expect us to behave in class.

eholiday said...

All of the expectations in the guide seemed important to me but the one that appeared to be the most important was the homework expectation. I think this because homework is the time that students can make mistakes and learn from them. Especially in math it is imperative to complete homework because it gives students the opportunity to learn concepts and grasp them more fully before tests. I also thought this expectation was important because it said that students are in charge of acknowledging that they need help and asking the teacher for help. The expectation that I think will be the hardest for me to meet is the test and quizzes because it said that sometimes there won’t be many quizzes before a test. In 8th grade I relied on quizzes to asses if I understood the concept completely before a test. I will work hard this year to evaluate myself if I have a complete grasp on a topic.

If I had to create an expectation for our class it would be that everyone should be expected to help each other on a problem every once in a while. This small expectation would give students more resources for help on homework and also helps to reword things for people that did not understand something.

pmonterubio said...

the expectation i believe to be most important is cheating. this is important so you do not attempt to cheat on any of our test or homework.
if i was to add an expectation it would be food or drink. if we bring it in class we need to keep it clean and not to make messes.

zbeuckman said...

The topic that came to my attention the most was the detail of our homework. It appeared to me that if we were to forget our name date and section plenty of points would be taken off. I am not the most organized person so when it comes to finding the answer I get lost and cannot remember what I was doing. It is important to ask questions in class with my peers or with any teacher. I will make that effort to talk to the people around me to make sure that I have the correct understanding of the materials. Since showing work is something I tend to have trouble with, I must learn the things we are studying so I know how to.
If I could create an expectation for this math class it would be participation. That could be raising their hands in class, taking notes or giving feedback on what other people have said. This would be helpful to make sure that not only are they paying attention, but they understand what is being learned.

jessie brown said...

1) The expectation that stood out the most to me was about the homework. Specifically how if you don't turn it in the day it's due it drops a full letter grade. This stood out to me because it helps me realize that i should be responsible and bring my homework the day it's due and that way I won't be punished for turning it in late.
2) If I could add one expectation to the list, it would be to be respectful to everyone even if they are really struggling while learning something because not everyone will get something right away and we all need to be patient and not make fun of them in any way.

Unknown said...

1.The Most important expectation for to accomplish is not to miss any assignments. Sometimes i I have a hard time keeping organized, so that is like my "mission" for this year.
2.If i were to add another expectation, it would probably be something about effort. I think effort could be an important expectation for us.

aclarkson said...

1. The most important expectation on the list in my opinion was the extra credit rule. Knowing that it can only work if all homework and grades have been turned in is an incentive to turn everything in on time.
2. My expectation would be participation because that is an important aspect to learning and understanding new and old material.