Our first blog involves the establishing of expectations for our year. I have posted an expectations document on our class portal page in the Expectations channel. This document provides information on many of the details related to class - supplies needed, how grades are calculated, how to make up a quiz of you are absent, etc. Understand that this document cannot reflect every situation and answer every question that will come up this year. Thus, this expectations document is a living and working document that will likely be edited and updated throughout the year.
In addition to the detail-based expectations posted on the portal, I also begin the year - and so should you - with a set of expectations at a level higher than homework, grades, and supplies. To me, these are things like how we are going to treat each other and how we are going to work as individuals and as a group to create an environment in which we can share ideas, solve problems, and work together to meet goals.
For our first blog activity, I would like you to visit the portal and read the expectations document. Once you have finished the reading, return to this page and post a comment. Your comment should answer two questions:
1. What expectation jumped out to you as the most important or the one you are going to work the hardest to meet?
2. If you had to create an expectation for our class and add it to the document I created, what would your expectation be?
When you have finished your comment, make sure to click on “Publish your Comment”. Also, do not forget to email me from the link at the top of our blog home page. Your email should simply acknowledge that you have completed the blog assignment. Thanks.